Every year, school gets out and I have a few weeks left at my tutoring job. During this time of struggling to meet all my deadlines and having to say goodbye to my seniors, I also have the task of finding summer employment. This year I thought I'd be smart and start early in hopes that someone would hire me right after I said adios to Savannah High School class of 2010. Alas, I have not found said employment yet.
I've been at it for about 2 months now. At first I was really picky, but now I've reached the point that I'll just take what I can get. Since the start of June, I've applied to about 100 jobs. I didn't think it was possible, but yes, that's right, 100. It's exhausting and hard to see the any rewards from it all (mostly because that reward would be employment, and that has yet to happen). I've had a few interviews, and some more on the way. But my patience is wearing thin... especially since my next door neighbor always seems to be shooting his airsoft gun at the fence that is 2 yards away from my bedroom window.... like he is right now.
Dear CSUF,
Can I get an advance on my Pel Grant so I can buy groceries next month? Just send that check my way, thanks. Also, tell Larry that he should just stop mulling over who he wants to hire at the transfer center because, obviously, I'm the gal for the job.
Your BFF,